Many people claim to include everything in their wedding budget, but I beg to differ. Many people buy a wedding planning book or a binder/notebook specifically for the "big day" and the planning leading up to it. Do they include this in their budget? Should they include this in their budget? What about the deprecation of utilizing a personal computer while you're wedding planning -- or time spent phoning vendors while you're technically supposed to be at work (doing work)? Does this get budgeted somewhere?
What we are NOT including in the budget:
Category 1 --- includes anything that "
lasts a lifetime" -wedding rings
-marriage license, marriage prep classes/pre-cana
-visiting the Priest (we need to fly into Buffalo in order to meet with him) for wedding ceremony prep
-Papal blessing
Category 2 --- includes anything that is or will be considered a
"gift" -the photography parent albums (their Christmas gifts, and therefore goes in a different budget)
-the photography album for ourselves (our Christmas gift, see above)
-my bouquet of flowers (I will be offering them to the Virgin Mary at the Church, and therefore is considered a tax write-off)
-Church offering (again, a tax write-off)
Category 3 --- includes anything that will be
"re-purposed" -our pairs of shoes
-any jewelry that we may buy
-the centerpieces to the tables (we're not having flowers)
-the woman's bathroom supplies basket
Things that are IN the budget..... but we hope to recoup the costs (by
-silverware (if we decide to buy instead of rent)
-linens (if we decide to buy instead of rent)